Enlisting the aid of renowned private detective Francis Foresight, the professor flies to the City of Mandar. His mission is to hunt for clues about a mysterious individual known as the Dragon Lord whom the professor believes holds the key to solving the mystery. Back in Lundon, William is making a name for himself as he fights in court to uncover the secrets of the Grand Reaper.
But there are those in power who do not wish for the truth to be revealed, and they will stop at nothing to silence their foes. Forged evidence, hired assassins, and a corrupt Ministry of Justice are just a few of the roadblocks Will faces. In order to survive, Will must rely on the help of his friends: the loyal Emily May, the sharp-shooting Robert of Locksley, and a strange individual named Vigilant Justice, whose face and origins are shrouded in mystery by the mask he always wears. But will their help be enough to unravel the government's twisted truths? Or will agents of death silence them first?