Dive into the curious mind of a woman who uses her life as a journey to find truth, peace, and love through and around her.
Misunderstood by many, sensing alone in a world filled with life, watching daylight fade into darkness, trying to understand the way she thinks, acts, and loves.
She searches to find the reasons to her whys. Attempting to understand her purpose, she's curious to know why God keeps her alive. She is curious to understand the love many people see in her when she couldn't sense the love herself. This woman tries to understand the reason for who she was, is, and will be.
As the woman continues to live, she continues to search for the motives that keep her grounded. She continues to find ways to strengthen her confidence to believe that Jesus is for the greater good of all things.
The poems in Thoughts have been categorized under common topics or emotion conveyed in each poem. Every poem was created with intentions of understanding identity, confidence, love, and specific moments that took place.
Thoughts is an anthology of poems Adnett E. Davis has written over the years of her life thus far.
As you read through the words, release your truth that's kept inside. Restore your trust and believe in Jesus. For love thrives in truth, and Jesus can create a state of peace within your mind, specifically for you, as He did for me.