closely to Grandpa's round belly, the sound of a frog's ribbit can be heard. Grandpa loves to tell the story of how it came to be that he swallowed a frog. Open your mind, let your imagination run free, as you go on the wild and crazy jungle adventure with good ol' Grandpa. All of it begins when Grandpa decides he wants baby monkeys of his own to love and care for. However, Grandpa is unaware as well as unprepared for what this adventure has in store. Grandpa will always remember this event as the most unimaginable chase of his lifetime. You will be amused and amazed, hearing of several incredible surprises Grandpa encountered while running around in the depths of an animal-filled jungle. From those baby monkeys playing around, knowingly pulling small tricks on Grandpa, to Grandpa disturbing a sloth by accident, then barely escaping from becoming crocodile food, not to mention being halted by marching army ants, coming face-to-face with a giant anaconda, and getting his foot stepped on by a wandering baby elephant. Right when you believe Grandpa's adventure couldn't get any crazier, we finally reach the part of his story and learn exactly how Grandpa managed to swallow a frog.