In Embers of Hope, there is this call to have a conversation between the church and those going through depression. If we're honest, there hasn't always been room in the church for people going through these valley experiences. So let's make room in the church for the church belongs to Jesus, who compassionately cares for all people, no matter what kind of season we may be going through. In Embers of Hope, you'll notice the word hope. You may feel that all you have is a small glowing ember, as opposed to this raging fire of passion, but the hope lies in the fact that all it takes is for God to blow on that ember and experience that raging fire of passion again! But there is also a call for us to ask God, "What are you trying to show me through this season?"
I hope you'll be greatly encouraged as you read Embers of Hope, and I hope you'll grasp onto that hope that can only be found in Jesus.