em>offers a lifeline to wives experiencing the pain and betrayal of a husband who is being unfaithful or finds himself attracted to other men. Ginger does a masterful job weaving together her personal story with spiritual insights she gained along the way, making it a compelling read. The gems in this book from Ginger's lived experience are worth its weight in gold. I'm confident it will be a blessing to many., Linda A. Seiler, PhD Executive Director, ReStory Ministries, Author of TRANS-Formation: A Former Transgender Responds to LGBTQ
You'll want to read this book:
- If you're in a difficult marriage
- If your husband is being unfaithful (including pornography) - If your husband has SSA (same-sex attraction)
- If you counsel with or minister to wives in the above three categories
- If you want to see how faith gets us through very difficult times in our lives
- If you wonder, "Does God really speak to His children?"
- If you desire to love others with God's unconditional love
- If you know the author and want to get to know her better.