In Life Observations: Lessons from Daily Living, you will learn of the many lessons that can be seen and learned by observing what is going on around you. God can use any event in our lives to teach us valuable truths. He shows up in unexpected ways and in unusual times. Our lives are a collection of powerful events like the parables Jesus used to teach truth and wisdom to the people of his day. If we're paying attention and seeking the Lord's wisdom and perspective, God will give us understanding, teach us through these natural object lessons, and show us how we can apply these truths to our lives.
About the Cover
What do you see when you look at this picture? Just some yellow weeds and dead leaves? This plant is called coltsfoot, and it's one of the first flowers to greet us in the spring. As I see these little circles of sunshine push their way up through the decaying remains of the past fall and winter, they are alive with the promise of hope and new life. They encourage me that I, too, can break through all the old, dead debris of my life, the things that have weighed me down and brought pain and sorrow. I can emerge from it filled with the hope of new life and a brighter future. Jesus offers us this hope of new life, for if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, and the new has come.