uthor's supernatural experiences with God. God used Jessica Renee in incredible ways from her childhood and even now. These experiences brought about miracles, healings, breakthroughs, and increased her faith and relationship with Jesus. This book demonstrates how God is willing to involve people in his miraculous work and how he will do wonders to reach and save a soul, perform miracles to transform a life, cause tragedy to revive faith, warn people of the enemy's plots, stop evil plans and vindicate the innocent, create circumstances to protect and provide for his children, and show people that He is God and nobody can do what only He can. It reveals how Yahweh loves his all people so much that he will create second chances that will render a blessing. The author expresses the importance and advantages of being in relationship with Jesus Christ and how it affords God-Benefits. Through God Moments, she demonstrates how obedience is one key that allows his vessels to accomplish mighty exploits and do impossible things. She also reminds all that God knows each person's personality and will use people accordingly. Jessica Renee emphasis that God is ALMIGHTY, SUPREMELY above all, and He is the one who performs miracles through people!