Dr. Mitzi Williams is a doctor of podiatric medicine. She specializes in pediatric/adult reconstructive foot and ankle surgery. Dr. Williams has written several books to help children better understand a medical diagnosis. Parents would use these books to help children talk about a diagnosis in a less scary fashion. These books would also help the siblings of the child.
Dr. Williams' compassion and understanding are far-reaching as she has traveled as far as Vietnam and Nepal to perform surgery for children and adults.
MY TALUS is a book designed to help families and children dealing with vertical talus. This condition is treatable with far less invasive surgery than previously needed. Drs. Williams and Dobbs explain the procedures and methods used in terms that are child-centered in a picture book that emphasizes a family-friendly presentation. Along with the story designed for children are several FACT pages for parents that include the specifics of the condition, the suggested treatment, and the long-term outcome. Coloring pages for children are also included.