In 1914, Irvine's senior staff rebelled and excommunicated him. They did the same in 1928 to his right-hand man, Edward Cooney. After expunging their names, roles and actions from the sect's history, they claimed Jesus was their only founder.
Although this church purposely takes no name and has a large global following, few have heard of it. Common nicknames are "Two by Twos" (2x2s) and "The Truth." Many members are unaware of its true history and banished founder.
Determined to trace the origin of this sect, Cherie Kropp-Ehrig traveled to the UK in 2004 and 2014 where she discovered its deeply buried roots in Ireland. She unearthed many historical documents, including newspaper articles, accounts, journals, court cases, photographs, letters, testimonials, family trees, etc.
This book provides meticulous details and insight into the history, divisions, key figures, pivotal events, teachings and traditions of this low-profile, unique church. Hidden schisms, scandals, exoduses, tragedies, betrayals, riots and ex-communications are revealed.