The GIANT is a wealthy ogre, who lives with a GIANTESS, who is under the delusion that she is a petite beauty. The GIANT's wealth comes from stealing riches from the people below, including a goose he now possesses that lays golden eggs.
JACK and ANN's suffering is increased by the loss of RICHARD, a former knight, who is also ANN's husband and JACK's father, and who disappeared under a spell cast by a hapless MAGICIAN, whose tricks often misfire. He has also kidnapped MELODY, a girl who is a little older than JACK and the daughter of two neighboring farmers. MELODY, who is also caught in the MAGICIAN's spell, is imprisoned in a harp. Out of desperation to raise money for food, ANN sends JACK to the market to sell their only possession of value, their cow. On the road to the market, JACK encounters the MAGICIAN, who convinces him to sell the cow to him for some "magic" beans. Although ANN is initially disappointed to learn of this dubious transaction, the beans sprout overnight into a giant beanstalk that leads to the GIANT's house in the sky. Bravely and secretly, JACK climbs the great plant up through the clouds, where he meets MELODY and confronts the GIANT. But that is only the beginning of the adventure that is "BEANSTALKER."