To get hold of your money, you will have to understand what it is, how it works, how other people affect your money decisions, and how to stay in control when it seems the entire world is falling apart. Within the pages of MONEY: Get It. Save It. Grow It., Before Debt Steals It. you are going to learn the real basics of money management. Basics that are rarely taught today-basics that every adult needs to succeed financially.
Has your tomorrow become your today? Has your money run out before the month is over?
Author Patricia Lane Williams guides you through a series of questions with answers and solutions in a practical, to-the-point primer. Plus, she identifies many of the tricks that the advertising game uses to lure the consumer in.
Your take-aways include:
Get ready to learn what you need to do now; where to get help; and how YOU can control and save your money before debt becomes a thief.
Patricia Lane Williams, CPA, has been fas-cinated with money, mainly how people managed their money or didn't since she became an accountant. Clients often came to her after they had made a foolish mis-take with money or circumstances had led to the loss of a great deal of money that resulted in bankruptcy. Pat's message isn't judgmental-as she too has been well-off ... and broke.
Calling Colorado home, her free time is spent on the road, traveling in her classic "Red Jeep."