t dynamic and vital systems in your body.
To function optimally, however, it needs your help.
Did you know that unhealthy nutrition, lack of sleep, and poor stress management can have a negative
impact on the responsiveness of your immune system? Are you taking action through lifestyle changes,
food choices, and nutritional supplementation to optimize your immunity?
Bestselling author of Inside-Out Health, Dr. Robert Silverman returns with the everyday guidance you
need to boost your immune health. His new book, Immune Reboot, delves into the science behind a
properly functioning immune system, and shares evidence-based protocols to help you build better
immunity--all in one comprehensive, yet easily digestible guide.
In Immune Reboot, you'll learn:
-How to recalibrate your lifestyle to bolster your immune system.
-Why a healthy gut is essential for a healthy immune system.
-The fundamental supplements for rejuvenating your immunity.
-How to implement a 7(R) Action Plan to restore gut health.
-What autoimmunity is--and how to fend it off.
-Immune strategies and treatment protocols for COVID-19.
-Natural treatments for long-haulers syndrome.
It also includes more than 40 delicious immune-boosting recipes, so you can get started on a path to
heightened immunity today!