The story is full of inspirational philosophical life teachings. The reader is given an opportunity to experience not only their own self-concepts and attempt to not judge themselves but forgive themselves. What is Truth? Anihcak queries, page 64, Heyoka, the Sacred Clown, helps us to understand our place on the Web of Life, and acknowledge that we are a part of the Web... as quoted by Chief Joseph, so many years ago. Truth is the interconnectedness of all Life, not just here on Earth but it extends to encompass the whole universe like Heart, Truth also has a spirit. This is another story. In the sacred dimension of our Heart Spirit, we come to realize and appreciate the meaning and depth of the Lakota saying, Mitakuye Oyasin, "All MY Relations". So, as our Spirit fades away like a fading sunset, Our Heart Spirit can be one with the web, without shame! Aho.
All Our Relations, Joseph Many Horses Davis: Medicine Man, teacher, writer, and organizer of Cherokee descent.