On the planet Nera, a world of towering metropolises, powered by nanomachines, and controlled by corporations, Mr. Zan and his misfit crew of assassins trained for five years to become OMEGAS, the greatest and most elusive assassins known to man. However, disillusioned with their mission, they went rogue and killed their handler, Nancy. Now, they run guns to survive, while racing to stay one step ahead of the living Shadows that hunt them. After a traumatic, tragic attack, they find themselves on the outs with Dietrich Boateng, their largest and most powerful customer.
But when Boateng suddenly risks everything to warn them of a new, dangerous threat, events are set in motion that threaten to spiral out of their control. To make matters worse, Deputy Marshal Akira Sudo is hot on their trail. If they can complete Dietrich's mission, they might secure the tools they need to survive the next OMEGAS that will come to exact revenge. If they don't, they might not survive to see tomorrow.
For fans of Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Altered Carbon, this action-packed dystopian Sci-Fi romp will leave you breathless and wanting more!