It's tough out there for struggling wedding photographers. Between competing with established photographers, lowering prices, accepting jobs that don't fit your style, and spending more time on your business than in it, too many close their doors after just a few years.
But it is possible to rise above those statistics and gain the confidence and tools you need to run a successful wedding photography business that supports you and your family.
Award-winning wedding photographer and business coach Carissa Woo reveals all the magic through layers of career-changing information, taking years off your learning curve. Now you (and the lucky couple) will be prepared for every situation from nerve-racking engagement photos to wedding day photos with family. You'll never miss that perfect shot-and your calendar will be booked solid!
This step-by-step guide will show you how to "wow" people with your artistic style, understand and guide your clients, organize your business for phenomenal growth, master the sales call with happy results, and achieve your desired outcome for a life of success and balance.
You'll discover:
You deserve to make a lucrative career out of the beautiful photography you do. Continue to be part of their fairy tale-now do it while skyrocketing your career at the same time. Take your shot with Woo Them to Heck Yes! today.