Tommy Feight's The Best Hug in the World is a tale of magical moments that will appeal to both children and their parents. Illustrated by graphic designer Daniel Klein, the charming book tells the story of a young boy's love of hugging.
Rather than being a celebration of heartfelt moments, however, this emotional journey is anything but straightforward for young Shams and his father. The sweet, brown-eyed boy at the center of the story is determined to become the world's best hugger, but his noble quest is fraught with setbacks.
Join Shams and his father as their father-son relationship is tested like never before. The Best Hug in the World is packed with endearing characters, genuine love, and a profound message that will resonate with parents and children alike.
Buy this book online today, and share heartfelt storytimes with your children that teach invaluable life lessons.
Written by Tommy Feight
Illustrated by Daniel Klein
A book about hugs.
A story about dedication, practice, and effort.
A father-son story.
A heartwarming story for families.