The author is fearful of heights and lacks a good sense of orientation. None of this, however, has prevented him from earning a pilot's license. Nor have anxiety, ADHD, missteps during his youth, and people deeming him a lost cause stopped him from becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Anchored around the topic of flight school, Messed Up Like You brims with entertaining anecdotes including getting lost in the air with an empty tank and a years-long, harrowing IRS audit during which incarceration seemed inevitable. Culleton uses these experiences to share practical advice for dealing with adversity. His book will inspire readers struggling with mental health, entrepreneurs facing daunting challenges, and young people labeled a failure. Readers will discover how to make choices they won't regret, honor commitments, let go of anger, avoid the woe-is-me trap, and like themselves-with all their flaws.