Experience the magical world of the deep blue sea with "Amelia Ophelia and Narwally Protectors of the Sea!" This beautifully illustrated, rhyming story brings to life the incredible journey of a curious little girl named Amelia and her new friend, Narwally the narwhal, as they go on a quest to protect the oceans and its wonderful inhabitants.
Meet Narwally, known as the "sea unicorn" known for his magnificent tusk, introduces Amelia to the wonders of marine life. Together, they explore the beauty and power of the ocean, encountering friendly dolphins, playful porpoises, and majestic whales along the way.
A Tale of Friendship and Conservation Amelia's passion for the ocean grows as Narwally and his friends teach her about the importance of protecting our marine environment. This heartwarming story highlights the significance of conservation and the small steps we can take to make a big difference.
Perfect for Young Explorers and Ocean Lovers "Amelia Ophelia and Narwally Protectors of the Sea" is an ideal read for parents, teachers, and caregivers who want to inspire children to love and protect our oceans. It's more than just a story-it's an educational journey filled with fun facts about marine mammals and the importance of environmental stewardship.
Beautifully Illustrated by Kerrie Nicholes - The vibrant illustrations by Kerrie Nichols will captivate young readers and bring the underwater adventure to life; making this book a delightful experience for children ages 2-7.
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