It is for the above deficiencies in our practice of Christianity that the author wrote the book to help candidates for Confirmation and Adult Initiation. He broke it down to practicality of everyday life that everybody can understand and actualize. To make sure no one is tempted to call it his sentiment or opinion, he gave ample and robust quotations from the Word of God - THE BIBLE, to support every point. It states that Christianity is more of a religion of life than of prayer.
This life is modeled on Jesus, who is the human personality of God who came to usher in the era of grace. As such, the Christian life entails following Jesus daily in his humility, grace, faith, love, forgiveness, and prayer. It is in this following of Jesus comes the name "Christian" (Acts 11:25-26). Jesus sets how to live this life by teachings that challenge the status quo. It is a life that is not ordinary, a life that calls for perspective change: love those who hate you (Lk 6:27), turn the other cheek (Mt 5:39), rejoice in your suffering, and "blessed" are the poor and the persecuted (Mt 5:3). Give not only your coat (Lk 3:11) but your very life (Mt. 16:25) for the sake of love.
This straightforward, down-to-earth catechetical summary of the Christian Faith is an ideal read for every Christian and those who want to become one. It is not only foundational; it is also a refresher course in Christianity for adults in Christian programs. The author stumbled on it when he was faced with how to reach some people in his parish who were not in the parochial school catechetical program. He devised a gradual, step-by-step and comprehensive pedagogy online. It even grew bigger when the Covid-19 kept everybody locked down for about two years.
So, it is in an effort to demonstrate that the Christian is called to a set lifestyle that comes from a belief in Christ that this book is written. It underscores that everything is not Christianity, and every life is not a Christian life. While there are many lifestyles, as there are many motivations and creeds, the Christian life is rich and unique. It is simple, noble, joyful, and rooted in the life of Christ. It is much more than honorific titles. Titles and hierarchies do not make a Christian.