Central to the story is Jon Freeman, an apolitical lawyer who becomes entangled in these extraordinary events. Following the 2022 midterm elections, Arkansas, along with other red states, morphs into a stronghold of right-wing extremism. Extremist politicians created the Red State Compact, with Arkansas at its forefront, passing the oppressive "New Law" that strips away civil rights, plunging the red states into a dystopian nightmare.
Freeman's odyssey is that of an unanticipated hero, propelled into a battle against the "New Law" and the radical political landscape. His adversary is the formidable Arkansas Governor Suzy Brandy 'Buckshot' Landers, the face of the new authoritarian regime. The narrative weaves Freeman's efforts to deal with the secession of several states, fight a growing rebellion, and prevent an impending civil war. His journey is a test of his bravery and a reflection of his deep-seated commitment to his nation and state, now at the brink of fragmentation and conflict.