ng increasingly aware of the power of words and their profound influence on our brains and self-concept, the importance of nurturing our self-worth and self-esteem has never been more paramount. This is especially true for children. Growing up in a world where we are constantly reminded of our color, Black kids face challenges that their peers might not always understand. Systemic prejudices that persist can cast shadows on their dreams and aspirations and end up having a negative impact on their self-esteem. So it is imperative to realize the transformative power of positive self-talk and positive affirmations. This collection of affirmations is a nurturing embrace, a protective shield, and a guiding star seeking to ensure that every Black child reading it feels seen, heard, and loved. The affirmations are carefully crafted, not just as repetitive statements but as statements of strength, each one aiming to fortify the self-esteem of the reader.