moir about his defiance of a controversial order that ignited a worldwide parenting and leadership movement, The Raising Alphas Project.
"For my decision to defend my firefighters, I was thrown into a fiery furnace. I survived because the Fire inside me burned brighter than the fires around me."
In 2021, Chief Officer Stephen Davis of Orange County Fire Rescue of Central Florida refused to reprimand his personnel over a Covid-19 vaccine mandate. The men and women he was responsible for had religious and medical exemptions - Stephen was told to write them up. He didn't. For his courageous defense of our civil liberties, Stephen, a dedicated husband and father of two was promptly terminated just before Christmas.
This is a powerful memoir of courage in the face of scandal and leadership through the fire. From his early days serving in the United States Army as a medic, to battling raging house fires, to a sudden entrance into fame, meeting such influential public figures as Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Ron DeSantis, and former NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, join Stephen on his remarkable journey from Fire Chief Officer to CEO.
Choice Publications is proud to present this book for anyone who wants to become a greater leader; anyone who wants to raise their children to be strong and courageous, prepared to fight the fires of life. If you care about speaking up for what's right, then you need to read this book today!