ken your senses, take you on a journey of self-discovery, assist you in unlocking your potential for greatness, and become the person God created you to be? If so, look no further. Living Your Legacy of Greatness Volume One: Discovering within the Image and Likeness of God, authored by Markeithia Lavon Silver, is an insightful book that offers guidance on attaining greatness as intended by Christ's declaration: Greater works shall you do! The book's central theme revolves around discovering one's true self by uncovering the ills and morass of the past that keep us bound and seeking avenues to foreclose those things that would so easily overwhelm us.
Silver's work is conveyed in a language accessible to all ages and educational backgrounds. She uses social theory, philosophical inquiry, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit while tackling pertinent questions that plague the human psyche. Through her insightful writing and deep understanding of the human condition, Silver guides readers on a journey of personal growth and transformation. She brings readers closer to their manifested destiny of greatness, intended by God from the beginning. By exposing our ills and the morass of our past that keeps us bound, the book provides practical ways to overcome obstacles, break free from the grip of our past, and achieve greatness, allowing us to discover how precious we truly are.
"The Lord has declared His will! Now, take hold of your inheritance of greatness!"