The adventure begins by introducing readers to a world where three magical fairies reside in an unlikely home: a refrigerator! Each of the fairies has a fondness for their favorite foods (vegetables, fruit, and dairy) and a penchant for adventure. As the tale unfolds, Sam - a young boy who never likes to try anything new - and his dog Maisey discover the fairies and join in on the fun and adventure.
The Girls Who Lived In the Refrigerator features beautiful and vibrant illustrations by renowned artist, Brian Dumm, and a captivating storyline specifically designed for children. Adults will appreciate how the story inspires children to try healthy foods most often under-consumed through positive messages about bravery, adventure, and deliciousness, rather than focusing on food's health merits.
"I created this story for my daughters when they were young as a unique way to entice them to try different foods, says Grotto, and it worked! This story became an important tool to inspire healthy eating that they practice until this very day! As a registered dietitian, I've discovered that people value taste and enjoyment above all else and children are no different. I'm proud to introduce these fun and lovable characters - inspired by my three daughters - who make wanting to eat healthy both fun and enjoyable and inspire a positive relationship with food."
The Girls Who Lived In the Refrigerator provides a valuable resource for parents, educators, dietitians, and caregivers seeking to promote healthy eating habits among children and is destined to become a cherished addition to any family's library.