Finding My Forever Family - Diary of a Rescue Dog follows Rex, a dog who has been adopted and returned back to his shelter several times. When his third family adopts him, Rex hopes he's finally found his forever home (spoiler alert: he does!). Lesley hopes this story inspires empathy in young readers and families so that they too may gain a better understanding of the dogs in their lives. Lesley plans to donate free copies of this book to every classroom she visits to share her story.
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Finding My Forever Family - Diary of a Rescue Dog (also available on is inspired by the thousands of dogs author Lesley Zoromski has helped over the past twenty years. Whether a newly adopted dog is from a breeder or a shelter, dogs all come with natural canine characteristics and instinctual behaviors. When common behavioral issues occur, families are often frustrated. Some may seek professional help but ASPCA statistics report that 3.9 million dogs are abandoned or surrendered to shelters each year and the most common reason reported is "behavioral issues." The Humane Society reports that up to 20% of dogs are returned to the shelters within the first six months.
A portion of the proceeds from the sales of this book will go to providing free dog safety materials for children via the national nonprofit Kids-n-K9s 501(c)(3).