Working as a sculptor, Scott's studio is a quiet space where there is lots of room to consider new ideas. In this quietness, he began to feel an urgency about us, our Christ-following. How we do it. So he started to write down his thoughts. The ways that followers of Christ navigate life, relationships, jobs, stress, joy and sorrow tells those around us so much more about Jesus than our words will ever say.
"What Does Your Jesus Look Like?" is book to which you will return often. Compelling stories and beautiful images will point you to one big central idea. Christ loves the world. We are his representatives. How the world sees Christ is often through the filter of how they see us. So, how are you doing?
What does your Jesus look like?
In these pages are some things Scott has heard and considered while molding clay in his studio. This book will prompt you to consider your journey and consider the character of Jesus. We are all sculpting His image with our lives, carefully living our faith before a watching humanity who are desperate for a glimpse of the divine.