Welcome to the other side of the real estate business! Do more deals, maximize your current portfolio to its full potential, and decrease risk--all through mastering finance and leverage in this introduction to the note investing business.
Whether it's through mortgages, student loans, or credit card debt, nearly all of us (especially real estate investors!) are in the note business. The trouble is, most people are on the other side of it: writing checks to note owners rather than cashing checks as note owners.
This isn't another cookie-cutter "how to" book--instead, Dave Van Horn takes readers on a journey with him as he looks back over lessons learned across three decades of real estate investing, and the path that led him to his current success in the note industry. He teaches by example, illustrates with real-life stories, and gives a 30,000-foot view of the note space.
Whether you're a wholesaler, rehabber, landlord, or even turnkey investor, reading this book will help you turn your focus to the "other side" of real estate. No matter your level of experience in the real estate business, the strategies in this book can help you build sustainable wealth today and for years to come.
Inside, you will learn how to: