It's the early 2000s when the Catholic clergy sex-abuse crisis exploded into public consciousness and the Catholic Church is reeling in sex abuse scandals with a tsunami of lawsuits. Theo was a newly ordained Catholic priest when he falls in love with Mark who will be soon ordained a priest. The romantic love affair is clandestine and at the start poignantly distressing to Theo who cannot come to terms with his normal human capacity for intimate loving because of the crippling influences of his rigid upbringing, characterized by his blind religious faith.
Theo who is na ve and gullible later falls prey to promiscuous gay priests and "gay mafia" clergy he encounters along the way but remains steadfast in his healthy intimate love for Mark; and Mark who is even more committed to their same-sex relationship is ambitious for their future. Theo disappears at the monastery he is visiting when he becomes a threat to a cabal of predatory clergy. At the time of his disappearance the statutory investigation of numerous allegations of sex abuse of minors by priests at the monastery's prestigious school becomes instrumental to uncovering Theo's senseless and heartless murder by a psychopathic priest.
Theo stands out as a priest who had overcome the blindness of the religious faith revealing the new consciousness pre-positioned in humanity's evolutionary process. He provides a model to all of the activation of untapped innate spiritual potentials as a way to liberate oneself from the toxicity of blind religious faith. The story reveals the poignant and unrealistic pursuit of mandatory celibacy which contributes to a malign psychology in priests at best and at worst to an array of sexual anomalies as the result of the denial of ordinary human potential and capacity for intimate love, and the perils of blind religious faith.