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Condition: New, UPC: 0289481706926, Publication Date: 01/18/2019, Type: COMPACT DISC, Style: CLASSICAL/CHAMBER MUSIC & RECITALS,
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Fantasia (Adagio) In C Minor K.396
Fantasia & Fugue In C Major K.394
Composed By
– I. Prelude: Adagio - Andante
II. Fugue: Andante Maestoso
Fantasia In C Minor K.475
Fantasia In D Minor K.397
Rondo In D Major K.485
Piano Concerto No. 1 In F Major K.37
Composed By
– I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Molto Allegro
Piano Concerto No. 2 In B-flat Major K.39
Composed By
– I. Allegro Spiritoso
II. Andante Staccato
III. Molto Allegro
Piano Concerto No. 3 In D Major K.40
Composed By
– I. Allego Maestoso
II. Andante
III. Presto
Piano Concerto No. 4 In G Major K.41
Composed By
– I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Molto Allegro
Piano Sonata No. 11 In A Major K.331 "Alla Turca"
Composed By
– I. Tema Con Variazione
II. Menuetto - Trio
III. Rondo Alla Turca
Piano Sonata In B Minor S.178
12 Études
Composed By
– Étude In A-flat Major Op. 25 No. 1
Étude In C Minor Op. 10 No. 12
Étude In D-flat Major Op. 25 No. 8
Étude In G-flat Major Op. 10 No. 5
Étude In G-flat Major Op. 25 No. 9
Étude In G-sharp Minor Op. 25 No. 6
Étude In A-Flat Major Op. Posthume No. 3
Étude In F Minor Op. 25 No. 2
Étude In F Major Op. 25 No. 3
Étude In F Major Op. 10 No. 8
Étude In E Minor Op. 25 No. 5
Étude In A Minor Op. 25 No. 11
8 Novelletten
Composed By
– No. 1 Markirt Und Kräftig - Trio
No. 2 Äusserst Rasch Und Mit Bravour - Intermezzo - Etwas Langsamer, Durchaus Zart
No. 3 Leicht Und Mit Humor - Intermezzo. Rasch Und Wild
No. 4 Ballmässig. Sehr Munter - Noch Schneller
No. 5 Rauschend, Und Festlich - Sehr Lebhaft
No. 6 Sehr Lebhaft, Mit Vielem Humor
No. 7 Äusserst Rasch - Etwas Langsamer
No. 8 Sehr Lebhaft - Fortsetzung Und Schluss. Munter, Nicht Zu Rasch
Iberia - Premier Cahier
Composed By
– Evocación
El Puerto
El Corpus Christi En Sevilla
Iberia - Deuxième Cahier
Composed By
– Rondeña
Iberia - Troisième Cahier
Composed By
– El Albaicín
El Polo
Iberia - Quatrième Cahier
Composed By
– Málaga
Noches En Los Jardines De España
Composed By
– En El Generalife
Danza Lejana
En Los Jardines De La Sierra De Córdoba
Suite Op. 29
Composed By
– I. Ouverture. Allegretto. Sehr Flott [Très Vif]
II. Tanzschritte [Pas De Danse]. Moderato
III. Thema Mit Variationen [Thème Avec Variations]
IV. Gigue
Concerto Per Il Marigny
Variations Op. 27
Composed By
– I. Sehr Mässig
II. Sehr Schnell
III. Ruhig Fliessend
Piano Sonata No. 2
Composed By
– Extrêmement Rapide
Modéré, Presque Vif
Piano Sonata
Composed By
– Part One
Part Two
Piano Sonata In B Minor Op. 1
Visions De L'Amen
Composed By
– Amen De La Création
Amen Des Etoiles, De La Planète À L'Anneau
Amen De L'Agonie De Jésus
Amen Du Désir
Amen Des Anges, Des Saints, Du Chant Des Oiseaux
Amen Du Jugement
Amen De La Consommation
Oiseaux Exotiques
Vingt Regards Sur L'Enfant-Jésus
Composed By
– I. Regard Du Père
II. Regard De L'Étoile
III. L'Échange
IV. Regard De La Vierge
V. Regard Du Fils Sur Le Fils
VI. Par Lui Tout A Été Fait
VII. Regard De La Croix
VIII. Regard Des Hauteurs
IX. Regard Du Temps
X. Regard De L'Esprit De Joie
XI. Première Communion De La Vierge
XII. La Parole Toute Puissante
XIII. Noël
XIV. Regard Des Anges
XV. Le Baiser De L'Enfant-Jésus
XVI. Regard Des Prophètes, Des Bergers Et Des Mages
XVII. Regard Du Silence
XVIII. Regard De L'Onction Terrible
XIX. Je Dors, Mais Mon Cœr Veille
XX. Regard De L'Eglise D'Amour
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre I
Composed By
– I. Le Chocard Des Alpes
II. Le Loriot
III. Le Merle Bleu
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre II
Composed By
– IV. Le Traquet Stapazin
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre III
Composed By
– V. La Chouette Hulotte
VI. L'Alouette Lulu
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre IV
Composed By
– VII. La Rousserolle Effarvate
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre V
Composed By
– VIII. L'Alouette Calandrelle
IX. La Bouscarle
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre VI
Composed By
– X. Le Merle De Roche
Catalogue D'Oiseaux - Livre VII
Composed By
– XI. La Buse Variable
XII. Le Traquet Rieur
XIII. Le Courlis Cendré
Sept Haïkaï, Esquisses Japonaises
Composed By
– I. Introduction
II. Le Parc De Nara Et Les Lanternes De Pierre
III. Yamanaka-Cadenza
IV. Gagaku
V. Miyajima Et Le Torii Dans La Mer
VI. Les Oiseaux De Karuizawa
VII. Coda
Composed By
– Introduction
Chant D'Amour 1
Turangalïla 1
Chant D'Amour 2
Joie Du Sang Des Étoiles
Jardin Du Sommeil D'Amour
Turangalïla 2
Développement De L'Amour
Turangalïla 3
Bonus - The Boîte À Musique Club Français Du Disque Recordings
Huit Préludes
Composed By
– I. La Colombe
II. Chant D'Extase Dans Un Paysage Triste
III. Le Nombre Léger
IV. Instants Défunts
V. Les Sons Impalpables Du Rêve
VI. Cloches D'Anhoisses Et Larmes D'Adieu
VII. Plainte Calme
VIII. Un Reflet Dans Le Vent
Composed By
– Tableau I - Fête Populaire De La Semaine Grasse
Le Tour De Passe-Passe
Tableau II - Chez Pétrouchka
Tableau III - Chez Le Maure - Danse De La Ballerine
Valse : La Ballerine Et Le Maure
Tableau IV - Fête Populaire De La Semaine Grasse
Danse De Nounous
L'Ours Et Un Paysan
Un Marchand Fêtard Avec Deux Tziganes
Danse Des Cochers Et Des Palefreniers
Les Déguisés
La Rixe : Le Maure Et Pétrouchka
Mort De Pétrouchka
La Police Et Le Charlatan
Apparition Du Double De Pétrouchka


Liner notes in French and English

CD 1 - Total timing: 68:40
Tracks 1-12 - First CD release
Tracks 1-6 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-6 (1959) | Tracks 7-12 (1962)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod, Paris, X. 1964

CD 2 - Total timing: 71:18
Tracks 1-10 - First CD release
Tracks 7-9 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-6 (1962) | Tracks 7-9 (1959) | Track 10 (1963)
Photo on sleeve: Loriod, Messiaen & Boulez during a recording, 1962

CD 3 - Total timing: 76:00
Tracks 1-20 - First CD release
Tracks 13-20 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-12 (1963) | Tracks 13-20 (1957)
Photo on sleeve: (No date)

CD 4 - Total timing: 58:55
Tracks 1-9 - First CD release
Recordings: Tracks 1-9 (1957)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod, 1941

CD 5 - Total timing: 79:50
Tracks 1-3 - First CD release
Track 11 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-3 (1957) | Tracks 4-6 (1958) | Track 7-10 (1959) | Track 11 (1956)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod, Paris, X.1964

CD 6 - Total timing: 76:12
Tracks 8-9 - First CD release
Tracks 8-9 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-7, 10 (18.V.1961) | Tracks 8-9 (28-30.X.1957)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod & Pierre Boulez, 1957

CD 7 - Total timing: 77:56
Tracks 8-9 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-7 (15-17.III.1962) | Track 8 (6.VI.1957) | Track 9 (World Premiere, 10.III.1956)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod & Olivier Messiaen during the recording of Visions de l'Amen, Paris, 1962

CD 8 - Total timing: 69:27
Tracks 1-14 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-14 (16, 19, 21 & 23.III.1956)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod, c.1945

CD 9 - Total timing: 78:28
Tracks 1-6 in Mono
Recordings: Tracks 1-6 (16, 19, 21 & 23.III.1956) | Tracks 7-9 (4, 6, 21, 25 & 28.V.1959)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod, Paris, X.1964

CD 10 - Total timing: 73:18
Recordings: Tracks 1-6 (4, 6, 21, 25 & 28.V.1959)
Photo on sleeve: First performance of Catalogue d'oiseaux, Paris, Salle Gaveau, 15.IV.1959

CD 11 - Total timing: 64:07
Recordings: Tracks 1-4 (4, 6, 21, 25 & 28.V.1959) | Tracks 5-11 (1963)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod, Paris, X.1964

CD 12 - Total timing: 75:37
Recordings: Tracks 1-10 (11 & 13.X.1961)
Photo on sleeve: Yvonne Loriod during the recording of the Turangalïla-Symphonie, 1961

CD 13 - Total timing: 68:51
Tracks 1-8 - First CD release
Recordings: Tracks 1-8 (18.VI.1958) | Tracks 9-23 (XI.1957)


– -
Bass Clarinet – - Louis Montaigne (tracks: 5-7 to 5-10)Cello – - Jean Huchot (tracks: 5-7 to 5-10)Clarinet – - Guy Deplus (tracks: 5-7 to 5-10)Clarinet [E-flat Clarinet] – - Marcel Naulais (tracks: 5-7 to 5-10)Compilation Producer – - Philippe Pauly
Conductor – - Manuel Rosenthal (tracks: 5-4 to 5-6), - Maurice Le Roux (tracks: 12-1 to 12-10), - Pierre Boulez (tracks: 1-7 to 1-12, 2-1 to 2-6, 5-7 to 5-10, 11-5 to 11-11), - Rudolf Albert (tracks: 5-11, 7-9, 13-9 to 13-23)Engineer – - Annie Lemarchand (tracks: 13-9 to 13-23), - Pierre Rosenwald (tracks: 6-8, 6-9, 12-1 to 12-10)Liner Notes – - Claude Samuel , - Nigel Simeone , - Roger Muraro
Liner Notes [English Translation] – - Dennis Collins (2) , - Nigel Simeone
Mixed By – - Martine Duchemin (tracks: 12-1 to 12-10)Ondes Martenot – - Jeanne Loriod (tracks: 12-1 to 12-10)Orchestra – - Orchestre Des Cento Soli (tracks: 13-9 to 13-23), - Orchestre Du Domaine Musical (tracks: 1-7 to 1-12, 2-1 to 2-6, 5-11, 7-9), - Orchestre National De L'Opéra De Paris (tracks: 5-4 to 5-6), - Orchestre National De La RTF * (tracks: 12-1 to 12-10)Percussion – - Les Percussions De Strasbourg (tracks: 11-5 to 11-11)Photography By – - akg-images
Photography By [CD 1, 5, 9, 11] – - Claude Poirier
Photography By [CD 10] – - Ingi Paris *
Photography By [CD 2] – - Georges Kelaidites *
Photography By [CD 6] – - Ullstein Bild
Photography By [CD 7, 12] – - Roger Pic
Piano – - Olivier Messiaen (tracks: 7-1 to 7-7), - Yvonne Loriod
Producer – - Claude Samuel (tracks: 12-1 to 12-10), - Jean Barraqué (tracks: 6-8, 6-9)Reissue Producer – - Adam Freeman (2) , - Magdalena Huebner
Supervised By [Artistic Supervision] – - Olivier Messiaen (tracks: 12-1 to 12-10)Transferred By, Mastered By – - Jeremy Benarroch
Viola – - Serge Collot (tracks: 5-7 to 5-10)Violin – - Jacques Ghestem (tracks: 5-7 to 5-10)


Record Company Universal Music France
Phonographic Copyright Decca Records France
Copyright Decca Records France
Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51808Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51809Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51810Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51811Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51812Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51813Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51814Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51815Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51816Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51817Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51818Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
AI51819Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH

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