Kurds Eye View
Imam Fainted
Burnt Pages Of Ali Jinnah Koran
Rafia, In Her Voluminous Black Tent
Yousif Water Pipe Habit
Opulent Maghrebi Meze
Cold Turkey
Because He Had A Mustache And Beard, They Thought He Was An Arab
Abu Kaff, Your Guide Around A West Bank Bedouin Shack
Abdullah Kosher Halal
Bleu Box Of Zaffarool Goudarzi
Zahir Din, Cabdriver Of Zind
Indo Muslem Atlas
For Larger Iran
Digipak, limited edition of 700 copies.
All tracks written, played and recorded, Manchester.
Made in the Netherlands.
Press release:
"Unsurprisingly for an artist as prolific and strident as Bryn Jones was, the flood of material he sent to labels and compatriots was not always carefully categorized. Also, sometimes he would be so eager to release material that if things didn’t happen fast enough he’d just send in another tape. And that circumstance is how you wind up with a fascinating oddity like Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Staalplaat has previously released, in 2002, the Muslimgauze album Sarin Israel Nes Ziona. While continuing to sort through and release the material Jones left behind with his death in 1999, the Mohammad Ali Jinnah tape was found to have significant overlap with that now out of print album, but only to a certain extent. 6 of the 15 tracks on Mohammad Ali Jinnah match up with material from the earlier tape (which included 20 tracks), but when Jones resubmitted this tape he also included extended mixes of 4 of the tracks from the original album (“Imam Faintedâ€, “Yousif Water Pipe Habitâ€, “Opulent Maghrebi Mezeâ€, and “Indo Muslem Atlasâ€) as well as five entirely new compositions. The result is a fascinating re-setting of some of the music from that underheard release.
Whether Jones preferred one arrangement to the other is sadly lost to us, but listeners now can appreciate a wholly new experience with the material herein, even if some of the material itself is previously released. And the new tracks are fascinating, even by Jones’ usual standards, whether they’re the grinding, obsessively focused percussion workouts “For Larger Iran†and “Burnt Pages of Ali Jinnah Koran†or the cryptically distant likes of “Cold Turkeyâ€. Paired with classic tracks like the bass-distorted, Middle Eastern boom bap of “Kurds Eye View†and the furtively head-nodding “Zahir Din, Cabdriver of Zind†the result is a release unlike anything else in Jones’ discography."
Tracks 1, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 12 are tracks from
Sarin Israel Nes Ziona.
Tracks 2, 5, 6, and 13 are remixes of tracks from
Sarin Israel Nes Ziona.
Performer [Played]
Recorded By
Pressed By