1Designed as a reference for experienced gardeners and a learning tool for novices, Vegetable Gardening Guides will help you successfully grow and harvest over 90 vegetables and herbs.
This book is primarily a collection of "guides" for popular vegetables and herbs. Each guide provides the information the gardener requires to plan, plant, care for, harvest and enjoy a particular vegetable. Also scattered throughout the book is Additional Material of various types designed to provide supplemental information we believe will be beneficial for most vegetable gardeners. Finally, some of the key information is summarized in a collection of tables at the rear of the book for easy access.
For each vegetable we provide:
- An entire section on each step of the growing process including Planting, Growing, Harvesting, and Storing.
- A detailed section on Insect and Disease Information, as well as some preventive techniques.
- A large photo of the vegetable.
- A stat summary for easy reference that includes plant and row spacing, when to plant seeds and transplants, how deep to plant seeds, and even how many plants to grow based on your family size.
With over 90 vegetables and herbs we cover all the favorites including:
Tomato, Summer Squash, Beans, Oregano,
Garlic, Zucchini, Mint, Melons,
Sweet Peppers, Basil, Broccoli, Peas
And even many less commonly grown vegetables such as:
Artichoke, Tomatillo, Okra,
Burdock, Endive, Celery
Get this great vegetable gardening reference today