1This book includes all 60 images from the coloring books: "Improve Confidence and Self-Worth" and "Improve Optimism and Positive Thinking."Feeling calm and relaxed creates an optimal time to receive and internalize positive messages that you, when stressed, are unable to process. For that reason, positive messages-mantras, are added above the symmetrical drawings in this coloring book.The coloring images in this book are simple and unique enough to allow you to almost mindlessly color while being in a hypnosis-likestate to offset negative thinking and improve your confidence, perspective, self-love, self-worth and ability to experience joy and happiness in life.It is so important to fight negative thoughts, images, experiences and beliefs with positive, helpful, healthy and encouraging messages and beliefs Enjoy the book and improve both your confidence and optimism Bella Stitt is a certified cognitive therapist and popular author of coloring books for adults, teens and children. Find more about her books and art at