0Seduction Simplified: Uncomplicates the complicated.Most books or seduction guides will try to give you advice on what to do or say to women. They will tell you which techniques are best for you to get not only her, but any woman and almost instantaneously.
Seduction Simplified is not about what to say to women, but focuses on creating a more attractive personality. It will not be instantaneous, it will take time, you'll never be able to conquer them all and many will reject you.
But I assure you one thing: this will work!
The reason most books do not work is because they do not address the underlying problem, instead they promote techniques that attempt to compensate for personality deficits. They seek to cover up the problem but not solve it, while your fears and insecurities remain. It's like trying to cover the crack in the Titanic with a band aid. No matter how many you use, it will never be enough.
Those for whom these techniques will be necessary subconsciously feel they are not good enough to conquer women. Men who are most successful are those who do not see women as above themselves. Thus the game becomes simple and natural.
That is why I faithfully believe that success with women is based on the development of your personality. Self-development and being an attractive man are intrinsically linked. If you are failing with women, you are doing something wrong. In this guide I will present 10 different habits that will help you to change this outcome.
Reprogram your beliefs and understanding about what dating actually is.
German Muhlenberg has been studying seduction since 2008. He worked as a relationship coach for 5 years in Levantart, the largest social dynamics academy in Latin America, traveled around 40 countries in 4 years and has sold not hundreds but thousands of books in Spanish, English and now also in Italian. Seduction Simplfied sold in the best bookstores in Argentina (Libreria Yenny) in 2014 and was recommended by Tai Lopez on the 3rd of October 2017.
In this book you will find 7 steps to have control over your dating life by: - Assume a different attitude towards women
- Develop your identity
- Discover what attracts women
- Improve your self-esteem
- Become confident
- Learn the difference between generating attraction in women and seeking their approval
- Improve your emotional and social intelligence
- Overcome shyness
- Develop an attractive personality based on your interests
- Deepen your relationships and network effectively
- Understand the meaning of happiness and how it can affect our attractiveness
Start today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page
This book also lets you dive into eight different romantic stories from my travels around the world. These tales are real and describe the situations as intimate diary entries. And yes, they include sex.