Cult Of Ikarus is a dark, coming-of-age fantasy comic book series featuring vampires and a magical, supernatural underworld written by Jenna Lyn Wright, illustrated by Karl Slominski, lettered by Taylor Esposito, published monthly by Scout Comics. Tossed out by her foster family after one-too-many rides home in the back of a cop car, Hunter packs up her meager belongings and hops a train on a mission: stop drifting and finally find out who she is.
That trip to the city is more like a trip down the rabbit hole, as she's introduced to a covert world of magic and danger running parallel to our own, complete with undead rock stars, a pair of sorcerer brothers with questionable morals, and a prophecy that puts her at the top of an ancient vampire coven's hit list.
Turns out Hunter is half-human, half-vampire. The product of a forbidden love; she's an anomaly that shouldn't exist. And if those vamps get their hands on her, humanity's time at the top of the food chain may come to a swift and vicious end, and the world as we know it will cease to exist.
Hunter came looking for answers. What will become of her once she gets them?