2Discover biblical history and spiritual insight. "Journeys of Faith" includes a poem and a historical drawing of each of the 39 books in the Old Testament. You will be inspired by reading: The miracles of God's creation, "In the Beginning" An example of spiritual blindness, "Balaam and His Donkey" A picture of faith and obedience, "The Widow's Oil" The story of Esther, "The Providence of God" The consequences of disobedience, "Jonah's Prayer" Be blessed as you read "Journeys of Faith." Ruth Billingsley graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a Master's Degree in Education and taught for 21 years. She now lives in Arkansas with her husband, Bob. They have two sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law and six grandchildren. She enjoys quilting, fly fishing, gardening, and traveling. Besides composing poetry, she writes a weekly blog of encouragement. Connect with her at