3The story line revolves around Tillie, who finds herself in a devastating situation resulting from the loss of her job. As the story unfolds, Tillie finds comfort in piecing biblical quilt blocks. The titles and symbolism of the quilt blocks seem to speak to her, and she jots down her thoughts about life and the quilt blocks in her journal. Although this book features a fictional character, many of the events and stories told are real. M V Brown has woven fact with fiction to bring Tillie out of a seemingly depressing situation as she completes her Legacy Quilt of biblical quilt blocks that tell the story of the Bible. Her journey brings her hope and trust for a shining future. M V Brown became interested in the history of quilt block patterns and researched them for many years. In 1992, she painstakingly created a quilt containing biblical quilt blocks-The Legacy Quilt. M V Brown was invited by a wide audience of many women's, church, and historical groups to give presentations about The Legacy Quilt relating the story of the Bible. She participated in many quilts shows and won awards for her quilt designs. She has designed quilts for many clients and was asked to design wall hangings to grace the St. Paul United Methodist church in Commerce, Missouri. Another of her designed quilts, The Millennial Quilt, was displayed at the Quilt Guild Show in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Mary continues to piece quilts in her home in Southeast Missouri. Quilts by Mary website is located at See additional information about M V Brown's creations on Facebook at Quilts by Mary