4What are you feeding on.. God or the world? Like a dream which seems real until one awakens, I am like a beast before You, my Lord. An animal with no sense of eternity, scared of what is taken. Rescue me from my enemies and teach me to know You. A love that is more natural than unnatural, a love that is true. For eternity awaits all..whether you're dead or alive. But which one awaits you, is yours to decide. Rhonda Robbins is a wife, a mom and a Nana first. She is self-employed and motivated to push others to succeed. She works with pre-teens at her church, and she has a heart for the next generation. She has taught classes for DivorceCare to help the hurting and Marriage on the Rocks, to help couples build strong marriages. She believes that a healthy marriage is the foundation of a strong family. Her desire is for parents to teach their children about the Lord, so they can find hope and peace, in an ever-changing world. She would like to promote Jesus so others can have a personal experience with the Lord, and ultimately find salvation.