1Imagine your kid being 18, having enough money to pay for their college education, living on their own, and having the car of their dreams. Hey, my name is Caleb Maddix and for a while I thought this was impossible, until I had a life changing experience. I was over at my friends house, and we were on the couch hanging out. But than, his friends mom walked up to him, and handed him a piece of paper. I looked at it, and realized that it was a TWENTY DOLLAR BILL I asked him how he got the $20, and he said that he did something called "chores".. Everytime he threw out the trash, or cleaned up his room, he got $20. I felt SCAMMED, and ran home, asking my dad if I could be paid to do chores. And he said.. NO I was shocked Didn't he want me to have good work ethic? Didn't he want me to grow up and be self sufficient? He said however, that he would pay me $20 for every single SUCCESS BOOK that I read. So I started reading different success books, and before you knew it I started making money from what I learned in the books. And as soon as this happened, I realized IT IS possible to make money as a kid... After using all that I have learned, and literally becoming a self made millionaire by age 16 I decided to write a book for kids teaching them how to do the same.