Trav's Bucket List is not your average, travel variety - it's much more than just going places. My BucketList Blueprint is jam-packed with fresh ideas, personalised activities and inspiring stories designed to help you create your own personal, unique and holistic Bucket List. Trav's step-by-step approach will help you unpack, articulate and take action before it's too late.
M - Meet A Personal Hero
Y - Your Proud Achievements
B - Buy That Something Special
U - Ultimate Challenges
C - Conquer a Fear
K - Kind Acts for Others
E - Express Yourself
T - Take Lessons
L - Leave A Legacy
I - Idiotic Stuff
S - Satisfy A Curiosity
T - Travel Adventures
Life is way too short not to live your Bucket List!
*Includes Bonus Stories from Trav's Certified Bucket List Coach(R) tribe