La clave para alcanzar el xito est en tus acciones. Si te pones como meta lograr dos cosas todos los d as -sin excepci n-, no tendr s l mites para lo que quieras alcanzar.
El experto en xito, Brian Tracy, comparte un m todo probado de siete pasos que te ayudar n a conseguir, en pocos meses, m s de lo que la mayor a de las personas logra en toda su vida:
1. Elimina los h bitos negativos.
2. Toma el control de tu vida.
3. Atr vete a ir hacia adelante.
4. Decide qu es lo que realmente quieres.
5. Supera la procrastinaci n.
6. Convi rtete en un aprendiz de por vida.
7. Nunca te rindas.
Con la ayuda de Brian, ser s capaz de descubrir la clave para ganar, tener felicidad, crear una buena reputaci n y triunfar.
Habla menos, act a m s es la clave para conquistar tus objetivos y liberar tu potencial ilimitado para tu vida y tu negocio.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Your aim in life should be to achieve all of the wonderful things that are possible for you. There is no reason for you not to be earning twice as much as you are today, or even five or ten times as much. Your potential is practically limitless, if you could just learn how to utilize it. Clarity, Focus, and Concentration: Three strong, simple attributes needed to hone in your potential and hit the bull's eye And just as you can develop your physical muscles through hard work and concentration, you can develop your mental muscles through continuous repetition.
You have the ability right now to achieve more than you ever have before. Bull's Eye will teach you how to unleash your powers for success and accomplish more in the next few months than many people do in a lifetime.