e began cooking for and visiting the terminally ill and the long-term ill in Lafayette, Louisiana, and the surrounding communities. From these early days and continuing today, volunteers at Food with Love deliver delicious meals and the simple, profound Christian message:
Jesus loves you. Jesus has always loved you. Jesus will never abandon you. During these visits, walls quickly come down, strangers become friends, conversations have meaning, and God's presence becomes real. At a time when it is needed most, love, compassion, presence, and human touch are the vessels through which the Holy Spirit blesses the sick, the dying, their loved ones, and all of those present, with His Divine Love, peace, comfort, and joy.
The end of life, at first, may seem like a scary time-a time of despair and a time to be avoided until it can't be avoided. At times in my life, I, too, harbored many of these misconceptions about the end of life. The hundreds of families that have opened their homes and their hearts to Food with Love have also opened my soul to how loving, peaceful, hopeful, purposeful, and joyful this time can be. Each visit with a hospice family is a holy moment with a story to be told. These are the stories shared in Holy Moments on the Journey Home. Come and enter these holy moments and experience the blessings that one day await someone you love on their journey home.