Told in the mother's loving voice, the story begins at birth, capturing the awe and wonder of every stage-newborn, toddler, preschool, school age, and teenage years. As the book progresses, the colors gradually brighten, symbolizing the joy and vibrancy of the memories she cherishes. With each turn of the page, the mother's heart swells with a mix of emotions-nostalgia for the past, pride in her children's growth, and excitement for their bright futures.
While her journey is emotional, it is also filled with optimism and hope, as she wishes for her children to become the best versions of themselves. The book culminates in an inspiring message for both children and parents-teaching young readers how to "Seize the Day" and pursue powerful goals, while reminding parents to embrace every moment.
Filled with warmth, vibrant illustrations, and an uplifting message, Hey You, It's Me will spark conversations about growth, love, and living fully in the present. This is the perfect story to read together, leaving both parents and children inspired and excited for the future ahead.