Because of its isolation, Kitty Hawk benefitted from the need of government installations. Weather stations and the Life Saving Service all were prevalent on the Outer Banks The role they played, as well as the colorful characters and diligent servants of the services, along with how the buildings from long ago still leave their mark on the land is discussed in vivid, entertaining detail.
Churches were a central point in the community. Learn about how the churches in the village were built, who they served, and how the congregations fit in with the village as a whole.
And no book about Kitty Hawk would be complete without mentioning some famous visitors to the area. The Wright Brothers came to visit, and tested their early ideas in the dunes near Kitty Hawk Village. Up-The-Road Down-The-Road describes how the people of Kitty Hawk Village played a role in creating the first monument to the brothers, even before the big obelisk went up to the south.
With diligent work, Bill Harris ties the names and places together, bringing to life the little world that was and still is Kitty Hawk Village. Family names from long ago are mentioned in the book. Those same names still reside in Kitty Hawk Village to this day. Enjoy this thorough and well written collection, a comprehensive history of Kitty Hawk Village from the past to present day.