Raised in the South, Dr. Whitmon knows food is at the forefront of all events, whether it is a backyard barbecue, high hat tea or funeral. Southern-style food as delicious as it is, some of it is unhealthy and increases your risk for chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
In Put That Fried Chicken Down, readers are provided with a refreshing perspective on Dr. Whitmon's upbringing and food choices in the South. The book weaves biblical inspiration and science into a much-needed message about traditional eating habits. The message is an honest approach to faith and healthy eating.
This book will help you to:
- Increase awareness of your current diet.
- Learn why you have poor eating habits.
- Learn practical skills, and strategies to improve your eating habits.
Finally, a book that makes healthy eating easy for Southerners, while simplifying overwhelming, confusing and contradictory food, and nutrition information
Start your health journey with simple food and nutrition information today